
Smart Courses Enrollment

Transforms course enrollment with AI-based recommendation engines, providing personalized schedule proposals for each student.


Your enrollment. Your experience

Offers students a customized, intuitive and efficient solution with flexibility for changes, to match the perfect schedule in compliance with institutional regulations.

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Intelligence engines

Optimize your students' enrollment with AI engines to personalize and simplify, granting a greater autonomy.

Smart recommendations

Offer your students a simplified solution to find the perfect schedule! With proposals and suggestions based on their own profile and academic progress, in compliance with university rules. You'll be able to:

  • Consider study plan  guidelines from the study plan and quality criteria, to meet all academic requirements.
  • Provide proposals with reserved quotas to guarantee students enrollment with a simplified process.
  • Offer flexibility for students to make changes on their schedules.
  • Distinguish special populations and their needs, to adapt schedules to their particularities.

Automated enrollment

Streamline the enrollment process with automated validations and adjustments, to enhance experience and provide students with continuous guidance throughout their process.

Automatic validations

Simplify regulations compliance, with interactive alerts. Guide your students for easy understanding of rules and offering tailored suggestions. In addition:

  • Establish configurable rules to be evaluated while schedules are built to comply with all regulations.
  • Create specific rules like prerequisites and credit limits and other complex combinations, such as 180 minutes classes per week as minimum.
  • Thoroughly explain students each rule for better understanding, so they can effectively adjust their schedule
  • Manage customized rules for different types of enrollment such as subpopulations, career types or courses.
  • Manage administrative permits to apply exceptions to specific rules, skipping regulation enforcement whenever necessary.

Experience customization

Customize every detail of the enrollment process, from business rules to visual design to offer a unique experience for both, institution and students.

Flexibility for changes

Provide students flexibility to add, remove and exchange groups, along with all information required for their enrollment, simplifying the process and fostering their autonomy. Additionally:

  • Automatically validate the changes in schedule, ensuring compliance with all established rules.
  • Facilitate decision-making with detailed information about enrollment and groups such as credits, costs, modalities, languages, etc.
  • Respecting pre-reserved quotas and providing history of changes, to monitor and control adjustments made.
  • Offer a graphical view of the weekly schedule, with sub-periods and facilitating an effective period planning.

Technological excellence

Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a continuous, scalable, modern, secure service backed by the best technologies tailored to your institutional needs.

Industry-leading security practices

Compliance with highest industry security standards, handling your data with the utmost protection.

  • Integration with customer authentication systems, including OAuth and others, for efficient user authentication.
  • Implementation of HTTPS, automated backups, and encryption as best practices to secure data at both, in transit and at rest.
  • Secure password management and robust authentication through AWS Secrets Manager and Keycloak.
  • Secure management of internal and external access and permissions through AWS IAM, AWS Secrets Manager, SSO integrations with Keycloak, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and network management with AWS VPC.

Albus Benefits

Student experience

Technology and design that enhances the experience with intuitive interfaces that adapt to all devices.


Automated workflows for allocation and review, reducing manual intervention and expediting decisions.

High concurrency

Scalable infrastructure to support thousands of students simultaneously, providing stability with no failures nor downtime.

Cloud technology

Elastic infrastructure

Kubernetes-based elastic capacity model.

100% cloud-native

Infrastructure designed for full exploitation of cloud computing capabilities.

SaaS managed by Foris

High availability enrollment service, managed and supported by Foris.

AWS best practices

Architects specialized in AWS cloud; partnership since 2017.


Any questions?

Please contact our team, to learn more about our solutions.